Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Smell of a Civilized Person

The swelling is no problem. The doctor didn't even notice it and there is no redness so I suppose it will just go away. I'm not too concerned with that matter now. What I am preoccupied with is this unruly incision gap. I haven't been able to get it wet (no full showers in weeks, people!) so it had formed a vomit-worthy golden crust from the antibiotic cream I was told to use. The doctor gently tweezed it off along with the remaining surgical glue and there was a great disappointment underneath. The wound has not pulled itself together, and we're running out of options. He prescribed some Betadine swabs twice a day and another week on these damn antibiotics. I hate taking so many antibiotics! (But it sure beats having an infection.)

What I want to try next week, if this week is unfruitful, is to apply a fresh papaya paste to the area. Papaya is practically a miracle fruit and can do wonders for healing wounds. (I once had deep scratches on my face when my cat tried to climb me like a tree and I swear if it wasn't for the papaya it would have scarred.) This thought popped into my head after we left his office, of course, so I didn't have a chance to run it by him, but I'm sure when I propose this next week he's going to have a giant question mark over his head. Regardless, I would still prefer to run it by him before self-prescribing.

Did I mention that I haven't showered in weeks? And I stopped using deodorant with aluminum (i.e., I stopped using deodorant that works)? I wash my hair in the kitchen sink, I bathe with a washcloth and the running tap, and there is a permanent funk emanating from my armpits that won't give up no matter how much I wash. This is the secret of my newfound obsession with all things soap. I am just trying to smell like a civilized person. Minimizing the spread of infection - that's just a happy coincidence.


  1. How about trying vitamin E? I had a burn once and pierced vitamin E liquid capsules and rubbed it in; it worked like a charm to get rid of what would have been a scar. See what your doctor thinks if he doesn't approve of the papaya!

    Margie Lambert-Sen (I joined the photography club after you left Istanbul)

  2. Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Your armpits may stink,
    but I still Love you!!!

  3. Hi Jen, I hope the chemo is still going ok, I'm amazed at how great you're managing all this. Keep it up. I had something similar about the wound, the doctor hadn't care much so I had this liquid flowing constantly from the scar, but I didn't put anything on it and I was told it would pass. Well the disgusting liquid had stopped flowing a while later yet I still have a scar. I wish I had taken it more seriously and demanded something to be done about the swelling. Your condition is different of course yet it may be the same thing in principle, so my advice is definitely to apply something to the area, papaya sounds great, but certainly the doctors would know better. Take care and best wishes...

  4. Hi Jen,

    Great to get to read your blog again. I've gotta' make me laugh. You just take your world seriously (as you should) but see the preposterous nature of it also, and call it like you see it. You crack me up!
    I hope things are going as well as possible as you courageously attack the enemy. I know you and your mother's strength and "hutspah" will continue to get you through it.
    Regarding "smelling like a civilized person," I can certainly relate and appreciate that! Four and 1/2 years ago I was in the hospital for 5 weeks and had to have two hematomas "dug" out of my thigh and buttocks, and addressed by nurses for three months every day which meant I did not see the shower for three months! Now I don't have to tell you how gross that was. I was embarrassed and humiliated but I realized suddenly that........hey.........I'm here and I'm fighting, and in the words of a great poet............."Frankly Scarlett.......I don't give a damn." In other words your beautiful Jen ...smelly or not; and when all this craziness is over you're gonna luxuriate in bubble baths with glasses of wine or apple juice, or whatever delights you deserve.
    Keep makin' us laugh and cry with your words of wisdom.
