Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 4

Days 3 and 4 have been a doozy. I ended up taking some anti-nausea pills and they kicked my butt, so I have been in nap-time mode. I try to keep my energy up by taking a walk after dinner, but still feeling a little low on the energy. My appetite is waning, but I'm still eating as much as I was before, just trying to fill up with a lot of nutrients/fruits/veggies since I'm not allowed to take a multivitamin. When neutropenia kicks in (somewhere between Day 7-12) I'll be at the low point as far as WBC count, which is when I'll be most susceptible to infection so I have to be extra careful with my diet (no raw food unless prepared at home, peeled, and certified by the health department).

I also wanted to fill in the information gap about the incision separation. I never got my boobs pumped up because of this issue and we must wait for it to heal first. My boob doctor put me on more antibiotics (the fourth round since surgery!) and I'll see him in a week. We are just hoping that this skin heals itself because if the tissue expander has to come out I'm not sure I want to think about what that road entails as far as reconstruction. I don't want mangled boobies.

My mom keeps asking if I remembered to take this pill or that pill... I told her, look, I have one responsibility in life right now and that is to take drugs (well, that, and washing my hands obsessively). On the spectrum of responsibility, I would say I have this covered. It's really hard to believe that someone like me, the girl who doesn't like to take a tylenol for a headache, has become such a pharmaceutical conglomerate, but such is life. If it's what it takes to kill the cancer in my body, so be it. Four days down and many to go... it's not so bad.


  1. So glad to see another entry. I cannot wait to see some pics with that new lens of yours!!!!

  2. So great to hear from you again.
    Believe it or not Jen, but through this ordeal your writing seems to be even more honed and prolific. You seem so in touch with your thoughts and feelings that it translates amazingly in words.
    I see your mom every day at work, and when I do, one thought always comes to me........cancer doesn't have a clue who it's dealing with. You and your mother are unbelievably formidable opponents, and though the *#@%en cancer may "give you a run for your money,".......damn doesn't have a chance in hell against Mary and Jen!
    Hope you feel the constant communal caring.
