Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, here we are, the night before surgery. I'm not exactly sure how to say a proper goodbye to the ladies. I just keep looking down. It's going to be super strange to wake up with a flat chest. Woah. This is it.

Today was craptastic. First of all, I slept three hours last night because I was pretty anxious. We woke up early, then showed up to the hospital at 8:30am to "register." We expected this to take all of one hour to set up a payment plan and talk with the anesthesiologist. HOWEVER, haha, we should have known better. The mafia mofos behind the desk pulled a grand heist and SEVEN arduous hours later, our negotiating powers had withered into dust and we handed over the plastic. I won't even go into how screwed up the medical system is in this country, or how the billing department lacks any remote sense of compassion for human life, but believe me I have a mouthful. Well, at least after all this we headed out to a Peruvian restaurant with my mom's friends and had a grand ol' time for a short while, and ate delicious ceviche.

I'm scared, but in the most irrational way. I'm tired and I can't sleep. I feel so much love around me, and it's all I need right now. I'm holding it close to my heart.


  1. We are all scared...you are not alone...just hang on to all the love around you...not just from your family and friends that will be with you tomorrow, but also from the ones who will be here in spirit and thought. Positive energy will be flowing in from all corners of globe. I am your mother, and as you know I take the job seriously. I would never let anything happen to you. I promise:) Your breasts have been a "big" part of your life, and I know you will miss them, but try to focus on your new, self-designed, perfectly healthy breasts. Summer is coming and you will soon be sporting around in those cute Tees you've always wanted to wear. A google of rabbit kisses. I love you my sweet baby girl!

  2. Hi Jen!

    I just want to say I'm thinking of you, and like your mom said, sending you positive energy from this part of the world. Yesterday was one of those perfect spring days in Istanbul, I probably could have gotten a sweet farmer's tan. Ok, anyway, just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts. Please take care!

  3. dear jen, get well soon. hope to see you here in bodrum this summer. hang on till then. best wishes. pelin. (a worried cousin snd friend from turkey)

  4. You are in the surgery while I type this. This must be the most stressfull day of my life. It is not fair to us that we have to go through this. We got married only 8 months ago... darn it!!! I know it though, I know that we will get through this because you are the strongest woman I have ever known. I am so proud to have a wife like you. I love you so much my little bird...
