Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's been almost two weeks now since surgery. I haven't wanted to blog because I've been depressed, I was in pain, and I couldn't type. I don't know how to be positive anymore. I am broken down and beaten up. Today, we saw my oncologist to find out about the treatment plan. It's like there is no end to this nightmare that my life has become.

My cancer was "stage III" - 6cm tumor and one positive lymph node (out of 23 total). The treatment is aggressive.

We were expecting to be out of here in six months or so. But my treatment will be a year and three months: six months of chemo, plus nine months to finish the herceptin. After that, I will have radiation, so add on to that. Then another few (5) years of hormone therapy. So, not only do we have this cancer thing to deal with, but our lives are rearranged. We have to be concerned about Celal's visa situation. Perhaps we'll have to deal with getting a greencard so he can work. We may rent an apartment and set up a new life here. I need to figure out the financial end of paying for all of this treatment without health insurance in the States. There is a lot on my shoulders. I know it's all going to be fine, but right now it's a helluva lot to think about.

I just want to blink and make this all disappear. How can I be positive?? What is positive about this?? All I can do is cry right now and let it all out.


  1. I Love You! I will never leave you or let you down. I will do whatever it takes to "shoulder" as much of this crappy situation as possible. Of course you can't feel positive all the time...doubts and fears will creep in and out...it's normal...your human...we all have them...but overall you are doing an amazing job handling the ****** cards you've been dealt. I'm so proud of you. Remember, you are surrounded by a wall of love so thick and non-porous that not one single cell of cancer could possibly get through. You're treatment is prevention, you don't have cancer anymore...and I'm positive enough for the two of us that it will never come back!

  2. Jennifer-Your Mom knows.Our prayers are with you during this time. Please read & reread "footprints in the sand". You are amazing "grace"

  3. Wow Jen.....you are SO brave and SO strong.....and pretty damn remarkable! I can't imagine anyONE or anyTHING's gonna' beat you!
    Jo (Mom's friend from work)
