Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yew and me

Monday was to be a magnificent day. I was scheduled to go in to the Breast Cancer Center and have a few blood tests and a chemo teach, then meet with the study director to get myself enrolled in ALLTO that same day. Low and behold, another pothole in the road! Someone screwed up when they ordered my tests last week. While I was indeed supposed to have the ECHOcardiogram (a sonogram of the heart), I was also supposed to have an EKG (ELECTROcardiogram). My bad - I thought the echo was an EKG, but hey, I'm no doctor. And then they said I needed it done the same day to get into the study. I was fuming! Too many administrative mistakes with these people, and then they make absurd excuses instead of fessing up. There is not one character trait that I hate more than a dirty little liar. A poor one, at that. So, we ran around all day, working out the kinks and getting things done. And they did.

Tuesday, I received the news about the study. I made it into the group that receives only Herceptin, which is the standard of treatment without the study. I was randomized, and fate (in the form of a computer) led me on this path. I am content with fate's decision and am rather comfortable not being a guinea pig (though I would have done that as well). I am happy to contribute to medical science in this instance. Most importantly, not being in one of the Lapatinib groups leaves the door open for, knock on wood, using the Lapatanib in the future should it be necessary to further my treatment.

Come today, I started off the day (early!! 5:15a.m.) with some fresh-squeezed OJ, hecho con amor, and a delicious pita with almond butter and Bonne Maman strawberry jam. Yum! A delicious way to start out the day. We headed to the doctor for my 8:30 appointment and I had my first infusion of the new drugs - Decadron and a hideous amount of Benadryl to negate an allergy to the chemo, Taxol, and Herceptin (the hormone therapy). Taxol is "a complex di-terpene purified from the bark and needles of the Pacific yew tree. Approximately one gram of pure taxol is available from three to four trees, each 60 to 100 years old." Thank you, yew tree. I owe you one.

I was stuck at the doctor, literally, until 2pm! It was a long infusion day, since they do it very slowly the first time around. Herein starts the treatments once a week, though next week will be the normal three hours.

My favorite cousin Dani and my new cousin-in-law Victor are here from San Diego, and we're about to have some authentic homemade Mexican cuisine... so I'm off to be a glutton... chao, amorcitos!


  1. You are amazing, you are beautiful, and you are so loved:) Thanks to all the Yew trees for keeping you strong!

  2. Hi Jen,
    Haven't been on in a while but have a first hand contact at work (your mom) who I query ad nauseum to hear of your progress. Sounds like things are moving along and you are being the amazing soul who plods her way through this mess that looks like your cleaning it up. Good news about the study. We are all very hopeful.
    A group of us including your mom meet in the art room in the mornings before the day begins and she told us about the class you guys are taking, and we pleaded with her to show us the work you and she are doing. Needless to say...........yours was pretty outstanding. Your mom was very proud of hers, especially the flower drawing she etched. We all told her how impressed we were with her work as well............I mean what are we gonna' say? That little thing took you three hours to do? We couldn't be cruel, or we just love her anyway.
    Jen, every time I read your blog, it lifts me.........honestly it does. Your gotta' keep going and do what you gotta' do spirit with a wisp of whimsy charms and amazes me. As I keep on saying..........this cancer doesn't know who its dealing with.
    We're all here pullin' with you!

  3. Jen, you are a remarkable writer, and have a really important story to tell. Your voice is very honest and genuine. I look forward to following along with whatever you feel like sharing and at your pace. But after you get to a place that is a marker and a breathing spot, I urge you to consider revisiting and writing a book, both for yourself and for others. Cheers, Pabs

  4. Hello remarkable writer... when will you write again???
