Friday, July 17, 2009

La Vida Continua

(Insert photo here)

We went out on a Friday night! Wow, it actually resembled something I once knew... a social life! I haven't been much in the mood to talk to people lately. In fact, I've been downright grumpy and mean to everyone. Even to strangers. And that's just not me. I can be mean to the people I love, but being snappy with strangers?? Who does that? Anyway, I figure avoiding the interaction will prevent the attitude, in turn eliminating the guilt of being an a-hole. So, that's why most of the past few weeks I've spent as a couch fungus watching back-to-back recorded episodes of What Not to Wear. Well, a spark of motivation kicked in, we showered, and we put on civilized people clothes. It was quite a good feeling. In any case, we had us some good ol' fashioned Broward county fun. (Dinner in a shopping plaza.)

I have been a mere silhouette of my former self with regards to music. We once had a deep, loving relationship, and that has all but withered to dust. But, Shelly triggered something deep inside me, even if only for tonight. She mentioned that they like to frequent shows in Miami, namely the Spam Allstars!! Hellloo, I freaking loved the Spam Allstars! I've seen them a gajillion times, and just the fact that I haven't even thought of them in at least a year is pathetic. It was a revelation, and I hope it sticks.


  1. I would guess the biopsy is a bit scary ... but if they were really concerned they probably would not have let you take this long to get it done. Also, seems to me like you should be just fine. Plus, just to give you the edge we will all be praying for you.

    Uncle Paul

  2. Whether this renewed spirit sticks or not, we will always stick with you! You are entitled to every emotion you feel... good, bad, happy or sad. There is no need for any guilt. We love you so much just the way you are. Everything will work out:)
    mom and pete

  3. Hey, Jen! From way up here in northern Spain, I send you hugs and kisses! We are working on blogs here in a class, and I am sharing yours with my profesor, who also sends you ANIMO! Loved the pics, hope I can send this correctly,love, Betty
