Saturday, February 28, 2009

Once upon a time...

Hey, folks! It's your favorite inconsistent blogger, back in action. Welcome and enjoy the flight...

So where do I pick up the pieces? I'll start at the end and work my way to the beginning. It's a lovely Saturday in sunny Florida, the weather is perfect. There are no doctor appointments until Monday. Life today is pretty normal, and one might even go so far as calling it a "vacation" of sorts: freshly squeezed OJ, eggs, and bacon in the morning; sipping passion tea on the patio with the light, wafting breeze in the afternoon; and heading to visit some old friends for dinner tonight.

I'm 29 years old and I have cancer? Still getting used to that one. So, for those of you who don't know the scoop, here it goes. I was in bed about two weeks ago, as one does, reading and trying to fall asleep. I guess I was playing with my boobs subconsciously (don't you?), and happened feel something small and a little hard in my right boob. Celal made an appointment for the doctor the following Saturday (21st) and I didn't think TOO much of it. I was more concerned with that damn CELTA course I was taking and having a nervous breakdown over lesson plans. Anyway, I went to a new doctor right down the street from our house because I was too lazy to see my regular doctor (his office is in Yesilkoy, and the weather is nasty in Istanbul, and did I mention, I'm lazy?).

So... he felt me up. He said it felt like a fibroid, probably (which made total sense since I also have endometriosis and fibroids in my uterus...). So, an ultrasound, mammogram, and hellish core biopsy later, I headed back to school on Tuesday, and I wasn't too concerned, like I said. We were expecting the results from the pathologist that afternoon, and as the time came nearer I became more and more worried about the results. Well, I left school at 6pm, as usual (after I was nearing tears from a harsh discussion regarding my lesson plans). I had a really bad feeling. I called Celal since we usually meet after school/work to head home together. I asked him about the results right away, and he said we would talk when I get there (about 10 min away). That threw me for a loop. I was thinking it was either the worst-case scenario, or my husband was really inconsiderate to make me wait to hear good news.

So, I exited the Tunel this past Tuesday, where Celal was waiting for me. We smiled and kissed each other hello as usual. We chatted for a minute about nothing important. He didn't want to tell me. So, I asked. And I asked again. He couldn't tell me. I started to scream at him, "Tell me what he fucking said! You are not telling me! Is it cancer? Did the doctor say it is MAYBE cancer or it IS cancer?" So after a few more roundabout answers to that question, Celal told me, and we just looked in each other's eyes and started to cry on the ferry.

My mom and Celal both decided that I would be coming to the States for treatment. So, here we are. Luckily, I am seeing the best doctors. We spent the entire day yesterday getting more tests and getting closer to a treatment plan. The cancer is basically in my entire right breast, and hopefully contained therein. I definitely will have a mastectomy. I only *need* it on the right side, but it doesn't make any sense to keep a uniboob. Not to mention, it is a huge risk. Anyway, I have to do more tests on Monday (three core biopsies to determine if the cancer is invasive/spreading or not). If it is, I need chemo prior to surgery. (The plan is to do surgery at the end of March.) I also have to get the genetic blood test, which may lend to WHY the hell I have breast cancer at 29. I have no family history of breast cancer. Weird.

So, I'm getting a boob job. I've always wanted smaller ta-ta's anyway. I'm coping I guess. I'm not really excited about it, but what can I do? I'm really going to miss my nipples. We are just hoping the cancer is not spreading...I don't know how I will cope with chemo. I will, but it's still pretty damn scary.

Seriously, there is so much to write and I don't know how to fit it all in... I thank everyone for their support and I look forward to writing more and hearing from everyone.


P.S. - I promise I'll try to add a bit more humor to the next post...


  1. We have passed the rockiest roads just to be together. Getting through this is the easiest thing we will do. I love you wifey :)

  2. Yes,you have cancer, but the most important thing you have is the love and support of your family and friends. We are in this together!

  3. We are all with you. Be strong, be the fighter we ;) oooxxx

  4. beat the cancer as soon as you can, tickets are from me for the uefa final game in kadikoy ;) celal will tell you what i m telling.. anladin sen onu.. erman

  5. Hi Sweety,
    I'm sure you'r gonna handle the situation and come back to Turkey as soon as possible.
    I'm with you.

  6. Please help me. I am trying desperately to respond to Jennifer's blog, but because I am such an illiterate when it comes to computers I am having a very hard time to connect and communicate. Please do so for me and share this with Jennifer and whom ever else you wish.

    Dearest Jennifer,
    I am writing these words to you not because of what you have, but because of who you are.
    Most people cannot share their fear and confusion of what they feel when given such devastating news that enters their own lives.
    But you on the other hand choose to share this in a blog with your family and friends, people that mean the most in your life.
    This shows the courage, strength, and passion that you have within to beat and conquer this unfair illness handed to you.
    But because of your love for life this will be a small, but hard steeping stone that will give you even greater reason to live, cherish and respect life more then most people could and would ever have the pleasure to know.
    This is what makes you special, an Angel, a believer that life should never be taken for granted, and you will teach and pass this on to your children and their children as well.
    Be strong, laugh, smile and believe.
    One day you will be complaining about hot flashes like the rest of us. :-)
    I know we have only meet a few passing times, but I plan on getting to know you very well.
    Love your newest Aunti

  7. Hi jen,

    We believe you beat it and get better.

    Your need is support and determination; and we think you have no problem in both sides.

    Istanbulda gorusuruz.

    nihal & sinan

  8. Jen, I'm sending lots of hugs and many prayers. We know you're strong enough to get through this!

    Much love from NY,
    xoxoxo Sami

  9. Sevgili Jen and Celal,

    Hayat maalesef hep yokuş yukarı hiç yokuş aşağı değil. Ama biz hep beraber çok zorlu yollardan geçtik, sevgi herşeyin başında geliyor. Buna en çok inananlardanım. Duyduğum andaki hissettiklerimi anlatmam çok zor. Dularım hep sizinle, bu olayıda çk kolay bir şekilde aşacağınıza inanıyorum. Sürekli size dualar ediyor, iyi enerji yollamaya çalışıyorum. Allah sizinle olsun ve mutluluğunuz daim olsun. İkinizi de öpüyorum.

    Ayşe Ablan

  10. Dearst Jen,
    We are together in any conditions and
    our all support ,love ,pray will be with you in every minute.
    We know and believe that you will be very fine and we will see your smiling lovely face in a short time for very long time.

  11. Dear Jennifer,
    Get well soon.
    I know and believe that you will be very fine and you will smile after that.
    I love you

  12. Dear Jen;

    I hope u get well immediately and make the greatest Tacos i have ever eaten.get up,stand up,don't give up the fight.Seni seviyorum


  13. Dear Yenge , Jen..
    I didnt get a chance to talk with you about all this before you guys flew to the States but i guess i can say what i had to say now..
    "WHY?" is the only question to be asked to god i guess , right?..Life is unfair to some.. Happiness for good , precious people can suddenly be the opposite sometimes. I learned this when i was about 13. It wasnt a nice experience for a little kid at all..My vision for life was changed and I was struggling as life seemed kind of meaningless..I didnt want any loved ones to have this ilness again but it seems me and our family is out of luck about it... What i also learned from that experience was , the treament for this ilness is the love for life.. I am so happy because as far as i know you are pretty good at that.. You have the courage and passion to beat this! I and we all know you are going to beat this....Believe me this ilness doesnt have the guts to beat a strong personality like you... Anyone that havent even seen you could even know that youre strong just by reading your post..
    I am already impatient for your delicious food that youre going to cook when you come back:) Dont make us wait for long..

    We all love you very much and together with you on this..

    Arda Gurcuoglu

  14. This post if from Bahattin Ozkok:

    Dean Jen,
    Even though I haven't have the privilege to meet you as your celal's wife, I heard a lots of good things about. Celal and I go long way and I am sure you are good person as celal. Breast cancer is one of the easiest cancer type to beat. how do I know? because I work for cancer patients on daily basis. it's my job. you are very young and have a lot of support. I am sure one day you will be laughing at all of these. Celo my number is 314 952 83 40. if you guys need anything call me. Especially if she goes through radiation therapy(most breast cancer do).
    Good luck and all my prayer with you jen and celal.

    hope to see you guys in Istanbul this summer:)
    Bo Ozkok
    St. Louis Mo
    Varian medical systems

  15. Keep on FIGHTING Keep on STRUGGLING KEEP on BELIEVING. We all believe the same GOD and GOD has the bıggest mercy of all around us .We are prayıng wıthout any break .We BELIEVE that you are goıng to be the one who wıns . From now on keeep on sayıng ''Thank you for my healing''(SECRET). If there ıs anythıng we can do to help you please write us , call us whenever you want.please allways smile
    PS: e.mails

  16. Jen be strong and have faith. There are many women out there that have beaten this. I know it has to be scary but stay positive and with the Lord's help you will come out a winner. You have the best Doctors and treatment that Memorial has to offer. Remember the most important thing is to stay positve and keep telling yourself that you will beat this. My prayers to you and your family.

  17. Dearest Jen,Sometımes we have to face hardest exams ın lıfe but every dark cloud has a face lookıng to the sun Now ıt ıs tıme for rebırth I am sayıng these because ı have got a frıend who has thıs dısease she had taken two surgerıes and has admırable breasts(ı am not jokıng) She ıs the happıest person ı had ever met because she knows the meanıng of lıfe She allways mentıon ''Healıng begıns when you start belıevıng''My prays are all for you sweet Jen You are so beatıful so admırable so charmıng and allways wıll be We are lookıng forward to see you agaın I wısh love wıll guıde you
    ceren özcan

  18. Dear Jen,
    I work with your mother, and from the first day I met her I knew she was very special. We had some similar life experiences and I SO related to her no nonsense approach to life and knowing how to weed out the important from the absurd. Thus when she spoke about you (as she did often), I KNEW you had to be equally as special. And from hearing about you and reading your blogs, that too is so confirmed. You have lots to give and lots to live and so I' thinkin' that you've been dealt a VERY "low blow," and you have to endure the awful "yucchiness," but there has got to be SO MUCH in store for you to demonstrate your specialness and uniqueness to the world. Just as aside Jen, five years ago I went through a totally life-threatening experience that was extremely difficult to recover from and the only things that got me through were determination, love and support. Sound like you have mountains of that. Good luck.

  19. vallahi bu siteden, resimleri haricinde bir şey anlamadım...bunu nezaman yaptınız,nasıl bu kadar şeyi yazdınız bilmiyorum..bunun bi formülü vardırda Jen&Cello çaktırmadan yapmıştır.Dönünce bu işin hesabını sizden sorarım... bu yazdıklarımda gider mi, gitmez mi bilmiyorum ....ama...

  20. Dear Jen I work with your mom. I am the Police Officer at her school. I am sorry that you and your family are going through so much right now but I can assure you that everything will be .o.k. and have a Warrior Mentality !!!! Not only will you beat this but you will help so many others that are going through the same issues by being able to say to them, "I understand". Stay positive, keep the humor and know that many people that you may have never met or know are praying for you, your husband, love ones and friends.

  21. Hi Jen, I too work with your mom. Even though I've never met you, your mom has shared some of your travel experiences in Costa Rica, California and Turkey with me. Through her stories of you I always pictured you as an adventurous young lady with a passion for living. After reading your blog, I see that my picture of you was perfect! Your humor and positive thinking combined with your family and friends will take you where you need to go. If anyone can kick this in the ass, it's someone like you. I look forward to meeting you one day (and discussing how wonderful your new boobs look). I hope you enjoy the White Chili my daughter and I sent you for dinner today! Keep fighting...

  22. I work with your mom and am a breast cancer survivor of 17 years. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. And I am still here. Call me anytime to talk. My name is Cheryl.

  23. Hi Jen;

    We (all of your lovers) are sure that you will beat it very soon. Your always smiling face and love between Celo & you will help you so much.
    Ceyda, Afet & me sending you lots of hugs and praying for you everyday.

  24. Sevgili Jen

    Senin kocaman yüreğin bu sorunun üstesinden gelecektir. Buna eminim.
    Kaldı ki yanlız değilsin.
    Sevgili Celalin ve seni çok seven bizler varız.
    Kocaman tek bir yürek olduk senin için çarpıyoruz. Eminim yüreğimizin sesini duyuyorsundur.

    Zor günlerin olduğunda bir tek şunu düşün.
    "Bu günler geçecek ve ben İstanbul'a döneceğim."

    Fazla özletme kendini...

    Gelirken bir Napa Zinfandel getir.
    Senin için şişeleyeceğim Bodrum Zinfandel ile karşılaştırmalı tadımını yaparız.


  25. Dear Jen: THIS IS GOOD NEWS (today's post)....Glad you are taking some breathers and relaxing, as well as facing difficult issues with strength, grace, and a marvelous sense of humor. Thinking of you always,

  26. Hi Jen,
    Patricia actually forwarded your blog to me! You seem like you are staying positive and realizing that there is no use fighting against "what is." I hope you are doing well and I am thinking about you. I know you will get through it with that wonderful husband of yours! xxoo

  27. We are readıng your good news We are thankful for all these new developments Prayıng has got a real bıg power and we thınk you know thıs quıte well Sometımes we wısh somethıng wıth a really clean heart Our purpose ıs so ımportant here We all have the same purpose ın thıs case dear Jen (I am going to eat your banana cake It was amazing. Ceren)We all want to see you happy healthy and as same as what you are, you had been ,you are goıng to be...We love you and Celal (The best couple we had seen)Stay wıth LOVE...Cenk,Ceren Ozcan
